Please note that not all states have approved Virtual education, therefore, registrants MUST CHECK their individual states for approval BEFORE registering for the Program. Before registering for the Program, registrants understand and agree that continuing education credit for this program MAY NOT be available in their state on the date of the Program. The Appraisal Institute is not responsible if credit is not available for the Program in individual states. Please note: State exceptions for virtual education may expire PRIOR to the offering date. The national office has been maintaining a list of states that are allowing such exceptions and will continue to monitor state regulations and update the list accordingly. This list is available in the chapter portal or can be found through this direct link.
To find a Hoosier State Chapter sponsored education, please go to AI Education Search ( and under “Delivery Format” select Classroom and under “Advanced Search” select Hoosier State Chapter. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Search. This will bring up all the Hoosier State Chapter offerings.